Continuing the Work in Limerick
Posted by Alan Kelly on March 07, 2009 at 10:34 PM

I was out again in Limerick with Jan O'Sullivan, Cllr. Tom Hannon and Cllr. Joe Leddin as well as a number of their colleagues. As the only Mid West candidate, I feel a real sense that the people of the area want to have someone from their end of the constituency representing them in Brussels. It is coming across in spades!
The Mid West has taken an awful hit over the last six months in particular with the loss of Dell and many other industries. It is with this in mind that I am running the New Ideas Conference in Limerick on March 25th. I have so many neighbours and friends that have lost their jobs in the Mid West during this difficult time and this conference may stimulate some ideas that can generate actions to help rebuild this part of Ireland. In particular we hope to make a submission to Mid West Task Force set up as a result of the Dell announcement.
Canvassing in Limerick is aided enormously by the fact that the Limerick organisation have allocated their own project manager for me, in the form of Timmy Hennessy. Timmy is a great fella and has been a huge help to our campaign team.
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