Out and About with Cllr John Gilroy
Posted by Alan Kelly on March 21, 2009 at 10:52 PM

Canvassing with Cllr John Gilroy in Glanmire was a pleasure. he is a great local Cllr and rarely have I seen someone to be so popular as John is. He is also someone who has worked extremely hard over the last five years on arange of issues, from health to education cutbacks to planning and environmental issues.
John is also someone who has been very helpful to me over the last few years, with various pieces of advice from time to time, especially when I said I was lookinf for the nomination. John is someone who always gets the job done!
Glanmore is an area that has really grown in population over the last ten years and there are many young families in the area. It was really noticeable here the volume of young couples and families who were so concerned for their futures and I really have to say I empitised with them. These are uncertain times for many people, but when you have a young family to protect and look after, they're even tougher. These are the people that this Government needs to be thinking of when it is adjusting its budget in a couple of weeks. We are well aware that we are all going to have to give something, but these people are under serious pressure between mortgages, creche fees, insurance etc and the pressure is there to be seen with many of them.....
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