Cork Campaign Launch
Posted by Alan Kelly on April 03, 2009 at 04:31 PM

I launched my European campaign in Cork today. I was delighted to have my party leader Eamon Gilmore present along with Cork TDs, Kathleen Lynch, Ciaran Lynch and Sean Seherlock. Also present was my colleague Senator Michael McCarthy along witha host of Cork city and county councillors. Furhermore, I was delighted to have a great turnout from the UCC branch.
It was important for me to launch my Cork campaign in UCC as it is a place that is hugely important to me. The Aula Maxima is where we were today and I registered for the first of my five years in UCC in that very room so it was ironic to be back there again today. I also have great affection for the UCC branch as I reformed it during my time there and renamed it after my hero Jim Kemmy.
The launch co-incided with a survey I have been doing for some time on final year graduates in colleges in Munster. The figures from the survey are very worring with a massive majority of them having no work or prospect of work when they leave college and significant number saying they will leave the country. I am working on a proposal to ensure that graduates get a better chance and can get work experience and jobs. We have submitted our ideas on this in our budget proposals document. We cannot allow graduates to lose their skills and they need to supported by the Government who should subsidise their employment in a modest way instead of just paying them dole.
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