Opening of RehabCares's New Resource Centre in Stradavoher Thurles
Posted by Alan Kelly on November 29, 2013 at 04:11 PM

I officially opened RehabCares's New Resource Centre in Stradavoher Thurles today. I was delighted to be asked to open the centre, it is a first class facility and the value to both the service user and their families is immeasurable. The facility is here because of the foresight and enthusiasm of Newgrove Housing Association and Rehabcare. I would like to compliment the staff of this facility who at all times exude commitment and professionalism.
The opening of Stradavoher Rehabcare, Thurles is a milestone in the provision of specialised autism services for children, young people and adults in this region. I am delighted to see Tipperary yet again at the forefront of service provision in this area of the HSE. In Government I have and I will continue to support all those initiatives which play such an important part in the lives of services users and their families
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