Rural Dwellers are Entitled to €100 Conservation Grant
Posted by Alan Kelly on November 24, 2014 at 10:06 AM
I was delighted to be in a position to include rural dwellers for the €100 Conservation Grant. Rural dwellers have been paying for water for years, whether they have their own well or are part of a group scheme, the also pay have also had to pay for their septic tank.
The Water Conservation Grant replaces the tax rebate and social protection measures previously announced, as it is a more straightforward means of addressing water issues for all households on equal terms and will reduce households’ outlay on water services both now and in the future.
The Department of Social Protection will administer the scheme on behalf of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government. The detailed arrangements for its operation are being developed by the Departments with an expectation of it being operational from September 2015.
To be eligible for the grant, householders - with any element of public water/sewage water supply or on group water schemes or with private supplies - must submit a fully completed registration form.
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