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Entries matching the category "new%20facility"
Posted on July 08, 2010 by Alan Kelly

Pictured at the announcement of HKPB Scientific's new facility at Lisbunny Industrial Park, Nenagh, County Tipperary are (left to right) Paul Rigby, Dr Donncha Haverty, MEP Alan Kelly, David O'Flynn and Dr Joe Murray.
I will be officially opening the new headquarters of bio-tech company, HKPB Scientific in Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, tomorrow, Friday July 9th.
The biotechnology and innovation company will be starting commercial production of medical technologies with the potential to dramatically reduce surgical costs for patients and hospitals.
Permanent link | Categories: Enterprise Trade & Employment • Alan Kelly MEP • Labour • North Tipperary • HKPB Scientific • employment • Nenagh • new facility • official launch • biotechnology • company • creation • Jobs
Posted on December 14, 2010 by Alan Kelly

I was in New York last week doing some work that I had planned for some time. While there I was delighted to take up an invitation to attend the Tipperary GAA Dinner Dance. It was a fantastic occasion especially as the Liam McCarthy was present under the stewardship of Tipp Manager Liam Sheedy and Captain Eoin Kelly. Also present were selector Mick Ryan and Tipp U 21 Captain Padraic Maher. We also had a Kerry man in our midst in the statur of John Evans, Tipp Football Manager and a real character.
Permanent link | Categories: Alan Kelly • Liam Sheedy • Tipperary • New York • Eoin Kelly • John Evans • Padraic Maher
Tipperary New York GAA Dinner Dance
Posted on December 11, 2009 by Alan Kelly

Towards the end of my recent US Trip, I had the pleasure of being asked to be the guest speaker at the Tipperary New York GAA Dinner DAnce. The event honoured the 1974 Tipperary New York team that won the championship and there were many well known faces on it. I met many old friends at the event from across the county which went on into the early hours of the morning.
Permanent link | Categories: Tipperary GAA • New York
Election Heating Up Now
Posted on May 04, 2009 by Alan Kelly

Another day, another two counties knocked out on the canvassing trail. The Fair in Kilmallock was busy today as was I and James Heffernan – a fantastic local election candidate. Every Labour candidate across the country now is full of energy, buoyed on by the amazing response on the doorstep and the natural momentum we have gained over the past year. The Labour team is hungry for success and James will deliver I have no doubt. He comes from a strong hurling family and he possesses the same hunger for success that has made the Heffernan name famous.
Permanent link | Categories: Arts Sport & Tourism • kilmallock • alan kelly • james heffernan • limerick • kilfinnane • stephen goulding • newcastlewest • abbeyfeale • athea
Canvassing in West Limerick/Listowel
Posted on April 09, 2009 by Alan Kelly

Today I was canvassing in West Limerick and I visited Adare, Rathkeale, Newcastlewest, Abbeyfeale and Listowel. It was a hectic but productive day. Today re-iterated to me again the quality of candidates that we have standing in the local elections for the Labour party across Munster.
Permanent link | Categories: Stephen goulding • seamus hogan • pat leahy • tom hannon • Adare • limerick west • rathkeale • newcastlewest • abbeyfeale • listowel • Kerry • alan kelly
New Ideas Conferences - Final Preparations
Posted on March 24, 2009 by Alan Kelly

The final preparations are taking place for the two 'New Ideas' conferences I am sponsoring tomorrow. The conferences are open to everyone and aim to promote innovation and look at how we can develop future business in the South and Mid West.
I am really delighted with the line up of speakers participating. The keynote speaker at the Limerick conference is the renowned economist Jim Power. The issue of leadership is going to be spoken on by Munster rugby legend Anthony Foley. The Cork conference has John Conroy of Merrion Capital as its keynote speaker, while Eamon Coghlan is speaking on motivation and leadership. There are many more interesting speakers as well. Full details at the conference can be found at
Permanent link | Categories: Enterprise Trade & Employment • New Ideas • Conferences • Limerick
Jonathan Meaney's Campaign Launch
Posted on March 21, 2009 by Alan Kelly

Last night I was back in North Tipperary to help launch Jonathan Meaney's campaign in the Newport electoral area. It was a great night and Jonathan made one of the best speeches from a young candidate that I have ever heard.
He spoke with passion about being from the area, about how he wanted to continue the good work of our local retiring Cllr. Sean Creamer and how he would never let the people down. Speaking as a young father, he stated that one of his main campaigns would be local amenities for local areas - this is something he is very strong on and has spoken about at length before.
Permanent link | Categories: Jonathan Meaney • North Tipp • Sean Creamer • Portroe • Newtown • Silvermines • Newport
New Ideas Campaign and Conferences
Posted on March 07, 2009 by Alan Kelly

Over the last couple of months I have been working on a concept to help stimulate jobs. It is time to be pro-active and I have been looking at ways to promote innovation and give people with new ideas a voice. With this in mind I developed a website called This site is aimed at encouraging new ideas, new concepts, new thinking that will help stimulate new enterprises that will develop the Irish economy and create jobs. This site is dedicated to providing a platform for people with innovative ideas or concepts that are currently finding it very difficult to get support. It will also look at the finance and infrastructural needs of businesses that are trying to get into or compete in sectoral areas where there will be future economic growth.
Permanent link | Categories: Enterprise Trade & Employment • Finance • Limerick • New Ideas • Innovation • Jobs • Broadband
On the Canvass Trail in Newcastlewest
Posted on February 17, 2009 by Alan Kelly

I was out canvassing recently with our local election candidate in Newcastlewest, Stephen Goulding.
I go out canvassing with many local election candidates all the time, but this was different. Newcastlewest is an area that to date we have not been strong in, but the reaction towards us was absolutely fantastic.
Stephen is an exceptional candidate.
He is a teacher by profession. HE has so much energy and enthusiasm for canvassing, that it is quite infectious.
I have no doubt that he will be successful in June and he certainly has a good team behind him.
Permanent link | Categories: Newcastlewest • Limerick • Stephen Goulding
Valentines Day in Nenagh
Posted on February 15, 2009 by Alan Kelly

My colleagues in Nenagh decided to bring some cheer to the streets of Nenagh this Valentine's day by giving out valentines cards, roses and good spirit to the people of the town. It was done with a sense of fun and the people reacted very well to us.
Nenagh has a strong history of supporting the Labour party and certainly the sense from the people was one of the party making progress locally and nationally. There is huge respect for the Labour leadership of Eamon Gilmore and Joan Burton, who are performing excellently.
Permanent link | Categories: McGee • ODowd • Kennedy • Meaney • Nenagh • Newport