Posted by Alan Kelly on July 14, 2014 at 04:25 PM

I welcome categorical assurances from Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton that there is no threat to the free travel pass for older people in the upcoming Budget.

The free travel pass is a prized possession for older people, and enables them to get out and about in their daily lives. The pass has recently been targeted by opposition and other groups for the purposes of shameless scaremongering, with suggestions being put out that the free travel pass is somehow under threat.

Having protected the pass during three consecutive budgets, the government has made it clear that it will be further protected in this year’s Budget.  

Groundless claims have been given a clear and direct response by Tánaiste and Minister Joan Burton on the floor of Dáil Éireann this week – there is no threat to the free travel pass.

Those groups, inside and outside the Dáil, who have sought to whip up the fears of elderly people should welcome this assurance by Minister Burton, and rethink their publicity campaigns around this issue.”

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